Collect, publish, analyse, utilise, criticise.
We have collected to the best of our capacity and network, policies relating to prohibited conduct, code of ethics, redressal mechanism, and other related documents. This was a surprisingly painful and time consuming task. We call upon all international organisations to publish their policies on harassment, code of ethics, complaints and justice mechanism – with full public access! Organisations should be proud of the policies they formulate and when faced with criticism, they have an opportunity to review and revise where needed.
Of our users and visitors, we have a request. If you do not find your IO listed here, have in your possession policies that are not available here, or have a more recent updated version of the policies included – please reach out through our Contact Us page.
We call upon all international organisations to publish their policies on harassment, ethics, complaint and justice mechanism with full public access!
Organisational Policies
African Development Bank
African Union
Asian Development Bank
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- Policy on Prohibited Practices
- Directives on Ethical Standards of Conduct
- Code of Conduct for Bank Personnel
- Code of Conduct for Board Officials
European Institutions
- EIB NEW Dignity at Work Policy
- EP
- Standards of Behaviour for CSDP Missions & Operations
- Code of Conduct for CSDP Missions & Operations
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
- Policy on Prevention of Harassment
- Update on Policy on Prevention of Harassment
- Disciplinary Measures
- Standard of Conduct for International Civil Service
- Guidelines on Internal Investigations
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Criminal Court (ICC)
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- Sexual Harassment Policy & Procedure
- ITC (ILO) Policy & Procedure
- ILO Reporting Misconduct and Retaliation
- ILO Staff Regulations
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL)
International Organisation on Migration (IOM)
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
- Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
- Staff Instruction 21/ 2006
- Code of Conduct
- Guide on the OSCE Harassment Policy
- Rules of Procedure of Panel of Adjudicators
- Checklist for Internal Review
- Note on Disciplinary Procedure
United Nations Organisation Secretariat (UNO)
- Core Values
- Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Abuse
- Protection Against Retaliation
- Reporting of Suspected Misconduct
- Unsatisfactory Conduct, Investigations, and the Disciplinary Process
- Joint Harassment Prevention Boards
- Status, Basic Rights, and Duties of UN Staff
- Criminal Accountability for UN Officials and Experts on Mission
Joint United Nations Programmes on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Policy Against Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, & Abuse of Authority
- Policy for Protection Against Retaliation
- Legal Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance
- Investigation Guidelines
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- NEW Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Abuse of Authority and Discrimination
- Policy and Procedures on Protection against Retaliation
- Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Abuse of Authority
- Oversight Policy
- Overview of Mechanisms for Reporting Wrongdoing
- Disciplinary Framework
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
- Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment
- Revised Policy on Whistle-blower Protection
- Previous Whistle-blower Protection Policy
United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS)
World Bank (WB)
- Policy on Eradicating Harassment
- Policy on Prevention of Harassment
- Guidelines for Implementation on Policy on Eradication Harassment
World Food Programme (WFP)
World Health Organisation (WHO)
- Policy on Prevention of Harassment
- Staff Regulations and Rules
- Code of Ethics and Conduct
- Policy on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention
- Policy on Whistleblowing Protection